Epic Maker: COOKIE…take a bite!

We may not eat for a few days before Urbn Epic Fest so we can be good and hungry the entire weekend. We suggest you do the same so you can fully appreciate all of our amazing food and drink vendors. Today we’re happy to share more about sweet vendor COOKIE…take a bite! The owner… Read more »

Feast on Food Truck Fare at Urban Epic

In addition to all of the delicious food and drink you can explore inside Fort Mason Center there will be Food Trucks right outside all weekend long. Here’s a preview of some of the tasty fare you can expect. Bacon Bacon It’s hard not to love this popular food truck who has mastered the art… Read more »

Urban Epic Fest: An Interview with Jamie Chan

A lot of people have been wondering how Urban Epic Fest will be different from our long running craft fair SF Bazaar and why we made the decision to shake it up when we had such a great thing going. I thought it would be fun to sit down with Jamie Chan and have her… Read more »