Epic Maker: COOKIE…take a bite!

We may not eat for a few days before Urbn Epic Fest so we can be good and hungry the entire weekend. We suggest you do the same so you can fully appreciate all of our amazing food and drink vendors. Today we’re happy to share more about sweet vendor COOKIE…take a bite!

Cookie Take a BiteThe owner of COOKIE…take a bite!, Tracy Mattson, is a professionally trained pastry chef with over ten years of experience working in fine dining restaurants. Her son was her inspiration for starting her business, “My love of cookies began as many children: sneaking dough from my mom’s mixing bowl. Luckily there was always just enough dough for my mom to actually bake the cookies for the rest of my family! As an adult, I wanted to share my love of cooking with our son, Jack, so we thought about what we could do and do well. We believed we could add something to our community by baking fresh, flavorful and delicious cookies. I love to share my restaurant experience with our clients by providing cookies that are a bit ‘left of center’: familiar in name but exciting and new in flavor. We like that we can bring cookies to another level and make them a wonderful treat for any occasion.”

cookiesWhat are you must excited about for Urban Epic Fest?
This is our first time heading south for an event and we are excited that it is with Urban Epicurean!

What’s your favorite item that you’ll be selling at Urban Epic Fest?
Our signature Lemon Moon cookie.

Which vendor are you most excited to check out?
Wow – too many to choose!!!

Where do you live?
Santa Rosa, California

cookie take a bite

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